31. mai kl. 08.30-09.30

Velkommen til to spennende innlegg om temaet:

  • Remote inspection technologies for integrity assessment of ship hulls: Group R&D of DNV has been working on projects about remote inspection technologies
    Group R&D of DNV has been working on projects about remote inspection technologies to assess the integrity of hull compartments of floating assets. The inspection data are collected by sensors and robots and analysed with AI-driven algorithms that detect and identify findings such as cracks, corrosion, and deformations. The purposes are: firstly, to reduce the need for manned entry into hull compartments, and secondly, to enhance the efficiency of planning and execution of future inspections. This is achieved by ensuring known findings are identified, mapped in a digital twin, and can be easily located and reassessed.
    Bahman Raeissi, Ph.D. Principal Researcher
    Digital Assurance, Group Research and Development, DNV AS

    Innlegget blir holdt på engelsk.


  • Dronebilder og KI for raskere og billigere vedlikehold av strømnettet
    Hva er KI og hvordan har Glitre Nett, som var tidlig ute, brukt droner til inspeksjon og KI til bildeanalyse for bedre, raskere og billigere vedlikehold av strømnettet.
    Representant for Glitre Nett

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Tone Kildahl