September 11th-12th 2024 at Quality Airport Hotel Stavanger

This conference is focusing on inspection and inspection management as an important and strategic element in maintaining an acceptable safety level and to secure reliable and economical production.


«Great presentations. Highly competent people and disussions. Great venue, location, sound and food»

Inspection and inspection management has been a focus area in the oil & gas industry for decades. In the future sustainability will be a main target and the industry will move into new technology areas focusing on “green technology”.

In this respect, learning from the past and adapt or develop new technologies are important. This conference is focusing on inspection and inspection management as an important and strategic element in maintaining an acceptable safety level and to secure reliable and economical production.

This year the conferance will focus on:

  • Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)
  • Digitalization and AI
  • Risk based inspection (RBI)
  • Non Intrusive Inspection

Don’t miss out on valuable professional training and networking!





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Tone Kildahl